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The mission of the lector or lay reader is to proclaim the Word at liturgy.  However it can also be a powerful prayerful experience for the reader, one that is shared with the entire assembly.  Qualified lectors demonstrate an ability to proclaim the Word of God with respect and authority, and an understanding of scripture. Training is provided for those who wish to serve in this ministry.  Two lectors are assigned to each Mass and a schedule is provided every 8 weeks, which is now posted on the website. At Christmas and Easter sign up sheets are available.

Altar Servers

The name “server” clearly points out what you do at Mass:  serve God and his people by helping the priest and his fellow worshippers to praise God as well as they can.  By helping the priest and deacon carry special objects and carry out special actions at Mass or other liturgies the Altar Server is really serving God.  Training is provided so that the server knows where the sacred vessels, books etc are located and what they are required to do at Mass. A schedule is provided every 8 weeks which is now posted on the website. At Christmas and Easter sign up sheets are available.

Funeral Servers

Adults who are able to serve during the weekdays are invited to become Altar Servers for Funerals.  Training is provided and you would be called when a Funeral Mass is scheduled.


Cantors are called to lead and sustain the congregation in sung prayer. You are enhancing the Word of God through song and encouraging full, conscious, and active participation from the people assembled. Spiritual and musical preparations are essential to fulfill this ministry effectively.  Generally Cantors lead the hymns and sing the Psalm at Sunday Masses.  If you are interested in becoming a cantor please contact the Director of Music, Lucas Chorosinski, or Choir Director, Tim Marrie, at the Cathedral office.

Ministers of Hospitality

An Usher or Minister of Hospitality (male or female) is one of the first people that parishioners or visitors encounter when coming into the church.  Besides taking up the collection and handing out bulletins the Minister of Hospitality should be a welcoming presence in the Cathedral greeting all who arrive.  Ministers of Hospitality are also called upon to look after any “emergencies” which may arise during Mass.  Contact the Cathedral office if you wish to serve in this ministry.An Usher or Minister of Hospitality (male or female) is one of the first people that parishioners or visitors encounter when coming into the church.  Besides taking up the collection and handing out bulletins the Minister of Hospitality should be a welcoming presence in the Cathedral greeting all who arrive.  Ministers of Hospitality are also called upon to look after any “emergencies” which may arise during Mass.  Contact the Cathedral office if you wish to serve in this ministry.


From September to June, the Cathedral Choir sings at the Sunday morning 11:30 Mass. Their repertoire includes traditional and contemporary anthems and hymns. Their singing, as well as that of the congregation, is supported by the organ. Choir members commit to regular rehearsals on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 to 9:00 pm and meet on Sunday mornings at 11 am.  The choir additionally sings at the Christmas and Easter Triduum liturgies, as well as other special occasions.  If you are interested in joining the choir please contact the Director of Music, Lucas Chorosinski, or Choir Director, Tim Marrie, at the Cathedral office.

Phone (905) 684-3964

Fax (905)-682-8235

3 Lyman St, St. Catharines, ON L2R 5M8

©2017 by Cathedral of St. Catherine of Alexandria – Diocese of St. Catharines. 

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